Original New ABB PM861K02 3BSE018160R1 Redundant Processor Unit Kit
ABB PM861K02 3BSE018160R1 is AC 800M CPU. AC 800M is a family of rail-mounted modules, consisting of CPUs, communication modules, power supply modules and various accessories. There are several CPU modules to choose from, ranging from medium processor power and low cost to high processor power and support for full redundancy.You can find different communication modules, S800 IO modules, module termination units, AC 800M controllers, power supplies, voters and panels
Product ID:3BSE018107R1
ABB Type Designation:PM861K02
Catalog Description: PM861K02 Redundant Processor Unit Kit
Control System:800xA » Controllers » AC 800M Hardware » AC 800M Hardware 2.1 (SB2) » Central Units
Package including: PM861K02 Redundant Processor Unit Kit
Package including:PM861, CPU, 2 units, TP830, Baseplate, widthu003d115mm, 2 units
TK850, CEX-bus expansion cable,TB807, Modulebus terminator, 2 units
TK851, RCU-Link cable,Battery for memory backup ( 4943013-6 ), 1 for each CPU
ABB PM861K02 3BSE018160R1 CPU Specifications:
Features / CPU | PM851A | PM856A | PM858 | PM860A | PM861A (Classic) |
Article number | 3BSE066485R1 (PM851AK01) | 3BSE066490R1 (PM856A) | 3BSE082895R1 (PM858K01) 3BSE082896R1 (PM858K02) | 3BSE066495R1 (PM860AK01) | 3BSE018157R1 (PM861K01) 3BSE018160R1 (PM861K02) |
Processor Unit | PM851AK01 incl: 1 PM851A CPU and required optional items. | PM856AK01 incl: 1 PM856A CPU and required optional items. | PM858K01 incl: 1 PM858 CPU and required optional items. PM858K02 incl: 2 PM858K01 | PM860AK01 incl: 1 PM860A CPU and required optional items. | PM861AK01 incl: 1 PM861A CPU and required optional items PM861AK02 incl: 2 PM861AK01 |
Optional items (partly included in Processor Units, see Price List) | TP830 Baseplate, TP850 CEX-bus term., TK850 CEX-bus cable, TB807, Modulebus term, Battery RAM backup, TB852/ TB853 RCU-link term, TB851/TB855/TB856 RCU-link cable, SB822 External Battery Unit, TK212A Tool cable, TC562 Short Distance Modem, TK853V020 Modem cable, BC810K02, BC820K02, CEX-bus Interconnection unit; TK851V010 Connection cable, SD831/SD832/SD833/SD853/SD854 Power Supply, SS832 Voting Unit, Mains Breaker Kit. | ||||
CPU redundancy support | No | No | Yes | No | Yes |
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[1mAsli Baru ABB PM861K02 3BSE018160R1 Unit Prosesor Redundan Kit
ABB PM861K02 3BSE018160R1 adalah CPU AC 800M. AC 800M adalah keluarga modul yang dipasang di rel, terdiri dari CPU, modul komunikasi, modul catu daya, dan berbagai aksesori. Ada beberapa modul CPU untuk dipilih, mulai dari daya prosesor menengah dan biaya rendah hingga daya prosesor tinggi dan dukungan untuk redundansi penuh. Anda dapat menemukan modul komunikasi yang berbeda, modul S800 IO, unit terminasi modul, pengontrol AC 800M, catu daya, pemilih dan panel
ID Produk: 3BSE018107R1
Penunjukan Jenis ABB: PM861K02
Deskripsi Katalog: PM861K02 Kit Unit Prosesor Redundan
Sistem Kontrol:800xA » Pengontrol » Perangkat Keras AC 800M » Perangkat Keras AC 800M 2.1 (SB2) » Unit Pusat
Paket termasuk: PM861K02 Kit Unit Prosesor Redundan
Paket termasuk:PM861, CPU, 2 unit, TP830, Baseplate, lebaru003d115mm, 2 unit
TK850, kabel ekspansi CEX-bus, TB807, terminator Modulebus, 2 unit
TK851, kabel RCU-Link, Baterai untuk cadangan memori (
4943013-6 | ), 1 untuk setiap CPU | Spesifikasi CPU ABB PM861K02 3BSE018160R1: | Fitur / CPU |
PM851A | PM856A | PM858 | PM860A |
PM861A (Klasik) | Nomor artikel | 3BSE066485R1 | (PM851AK01) |
3BSE066490R1 | (PM856A) | 3BSE082895R1 | (PM858K01) |
3BSE082896R1 | (PM858K02) | 3BSE066495R1 | (PM860AK01) |
3BSE018157R1 | (PM861K01) | 3BSE018160R1 | (PM861K02) |
Unit Prosesor | PM851AK01 termasuk: | 1 PM851A CPU dan | diperlukan opsional |
item. | PM856AK01 termasuk: | 1 PM856A CPU dan | diperlukan opsional |
item. | PM858K01 termasuk: | 1 PM858 CPU dan | item opsional yang diperlukan. |
PM858K02 termasuk: | 2 PM858K01 | PM860AK01 termasuk: | 1 PM860A CPU dan |
diperlukan opsional | item. | PM861AK01 termasuk: | 1 PM861A CPU dan |
item opsional yang diperlukan | PM861AK02 termasuk: | 2 PM861AK01 | Item opsional |
(sebagian termasuk dalam Prosesor | Unit, lihat Daftar Harga) | TP830 Baseplate, TP850 CEX-bus, TK850 CEX-bus cable, TB807, Modulebus term, Baterai cadangan RAM, TB852/ | Istilah tautan RCU TB853, kabel tautan RCU TB851/TB855/TB856, Unit Baterai Eksternal SB822, Kabel alat TK212A, Pendek TC562 |
Modem Jarak, Kabel Modem TK853V020, BC810K02, BC820K02, unit Interkoneksi CEX-bus; Koneksi TK851V010 | kabel, Catu Daya SD831/SD832/SD833/SD853/SD854, Unit Pemungutan Suara SS832, Kit Pemutus Listrik. | Dukungan redundansi CPU | Ya |
Ya | Bagian Abb serupa: | ABB DLM02/DLM 02 0338434M Modul tautan DLM 02, Modul tautan pada V 3 Freelance | ABB NTD101 NTCL01 Tautan Komunikasi TU |