Cermin kamar mandi dengan lampu LED anti-kabut adalah solusi paling elegan di kamar mandi Anda.
The LED lighting is perfect for makeup and shaving experience. With backlit design,installing it in the bathroom is really eye-catching. With Spotify and built-in Bluetooth speakers,listening to your favorite music can not be easier.
1.Touch screen makes it easy to operate the mirror.
2.Built-in defogger lets it free of fog.
3.Built-in Bluetooth speakers enable you to enjoy music to relax.
Main Frequency | 1.6GHzMali-T764 | Touch Display Screen | 10.1 |
[1mPencahayaan LED sangat cocok untuk riasan dan pengalaman bercukur. Dengan desain backlit, memasangnya di kamar mandi benar-benar eye-catching. Dengan Spotify dan speaker Bluetooth built-in, mendengarkan musik favorit Anda menjadi lebih mudah. | 1. Layar sentuh memudahkan pengoperasian cermin. | 2. Defogger bawaan memungkinkannya bebas dari kabut. | |
3. Built-in speaker Bluetooth memungkinkan Anda untuk menikmati musik untuk bersantai. | Frekuensi Utama | 1.6GHz Mali-T764 | Layar Tampilan Sentuh |
10.1[22m | Translations of [4mThe LED lighting is perfect for makeup and shaving experience. With backlit design,installing it in the bathroom is really eye-catching. With Spotify and built-in Bluetooth speakers,listening to your favorite music can not be easier. | 1.Touch screen makes it easy to operate the mirror. | |
2.Built-in defogger lets it free of fog. | 3.Built-in Bluetooth speakers enable you to enjoy music to relax. | Main Frequency 1.6GHzMali-T764 | Touch Display Screen |
10.1[24m | [ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1mBahasa Indonesia[22m ] | [4mThe LED lighting is perfect for makeup and shaving experience.[24m5 | |
[1mPencahayaan LED sangat cocok untuk riasan dan pengalaman bercukur.[22m, [1mPencahayaan LED sangat cocok untuk pengalaman rias wajah dan bercukur.[22m | [4mWith backlit design,installing it in the bathroom is really eye-catching.[24m | [1mDengan desain backlit, memasangnya di kamar mandi benar-benar eye-catching.[22m, [1mDengan desain backlit, memasangnya di kamar mandi sangat menarik.[22m | [4mWith Spotify and built-in Bluetooth speakers,listening to your favorite music can not be easier.[24m11OS |
[1mDengan Spotify dan speaker Bluetooth built-in, mendengarkan musik favorit Anda menjadi lebih mudah.[22m, [1mDengan Spotify dan built-in speaker Bluetooth, mendengarkan musik favorit Anda tidak bisa lebih mudah.[22m | 10[4mto[24m | [1m[22m[4m1.Touch screen makes it easy to operate the mirror.[24m | [1m1. Layar sentuh memudahkan pengoperasian cermin.[22m, [1m1.Touch screen memudahkan pengoperasian cermin.[22m |
[4m2.Built-in defogger lets it free of fog.[24m
[1m2. Defogger bawaan memungkinkannya bebas dari kabut.[22m, [1m2.Built-in defogger memungkinkan bebas dari kabut.[22m
[4m3.Built-in Bluetooth speakers enable you to enjoy music to relax.[24m
[1m3. Built-in speaker Bluetooth memungkinkan Anda untuk menikmati musik untuk bersantai.[22m, [1m3.Speaker Bluetooth internal memungkinkan Anda menikmati musik untuk bersantai.[22m
[4mMain Frequency[24m
[1mFrekuensi Utama[22m, [1mfrekuensi utama[22m