Buatan tangan 16 inci 349 23mm Karbon Sepeda Lipat Roda Tri Spoke Basalt Brake Surface Rim Brake roda karbon.
Lightweight with more capabilities than you can imagine the 16 inch 349 folding ride carbon tri spoke wheels rim brake has you covered from commuting to recreational fun, it was designed to tackle all types of riding and styles.
There are no EPS bubbles in the manufacturing process of the rim, this means the rims are molded with an air bag that has the inner shape of the rim. So the rim is complete, stronger and stiffer. Full carbon Toray T700, Provide UD, 3K, 3K twill, 12K, 12K twill weave carbon fiber wheels.
Model Orn 3-16-349 [1mCARBON TRI SPOKE RODA 16 INCH 349 RIM RIM KETERANGAN Ringan dengan kemampuan lebih dari yang Anda bayangkan, rem pelek roda karbon tri spoke 16 inci 349 lipat telah Anda cakup mulai dari perjalanan hingga rekreasi yang menyenangkan, dirancang untuk menangani semua jenis pengendaraan dan gaya. Tidak ada gelembung EPS dalam proses pembuatan pelek, ini berarti pelek dicetak dengan kantong udara yang memiliki bentuk bagian dalam pelek. Jadi peleknya lengkap, lebih kuat dan kaku. Karbon penuh Toray T700, Menyediakan UD, 3K, 3K twill, 12K, 12K twill menenun roda serat karbon. TAMPILAN GAMBAR CARBON WEAVE SPESIFIKASI RODA Model orn 3-16-349[22m NO Translations of [4mCARBON TRI SPOKE WHEELS 16 INCH 349 RIM BRAKE DESCRIPTION Lightweight with more capabilities than you can imagine the 16 inch 349 folding ride carbon tri spoke wheels rim brake has you covered from commuting to recreational fun, it was designed to tackle all types of riding and styles. There are no EPS bubbles in the manufacturing process of the rim, this means the rims are molded with an air bag that has the inner shape of the rim. So the rim is complete, stronger and stiffer. Full carbon Toray T700, Provide UD, 3K, 3K twill, 12K, 12K twill weave carbon fiber wheels. CARBON WEAVE PICTURE DISPLAY WHEELSET SPECS Model Orn 3-16-349[24m [ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1mBahasa Indonesia[22m ] OD [4mCARBON TRI SPOKE WHEELS 16 INCH 349 RIM BRAKE[24m [1mCARBON TRI SPOKE RODA 16 INCH 349 RIM RIM[22m, [1mRODA SPOKE RODA CARBON TRI 16 INCH 349 REM[22m [4m 3S [24m [1m[22m [4mDESCRIPTION[24m [1mKETERANGAN[22m, [1mDESKRIPSI[22m, [1mGAMBARAN[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mLightweight with more capabilities than you can imagine the 16 inch 349 folding ride carbon tri spoke wheels rim brake has you covered from commuting to recreational fun, it was designed to tackle all types of riding and styles.[24m