Kotak Tisu Bening Akrilik Desain Kontemporer yang Elegan
SalesKotak Tisu Bening Akrilik Desain Kontemporer yang Elegan
Penutup kotak tisu akrilik, Sempurna untuk penempatan di hotel, restoran, kamar kecil atau di mana saja tisu wajah mungkin diperlukan. Warna: bening, putih, hitam, atau disesuaikan.
Our square acrylic tissue box is in total transparent and can give you visual enjoyment. It has simple structure in linear type ,easy in installation and maintation.
Regular size for reference:3.9*3.9*3.1 [1mGrosir fashion penutup kotak tisu akrilik bening1Detail Produk: Alun-alun kamikotak tisu akrilik benar-benar transparan dan dapat memberi Anda kenikmatan visual. Memilikistruktur sederhana dalam tipe linier, mudah di instalasi dan pemeliharaan.Ukuran biasa untuk referensi: 3.9*3.9*3.1[22m Translations of [4mWholesale fashion clear acrylic tissue box cover Products Details: Our square acrylic tissue box is in total transparent and can give you visual enjoyment. It has simple structure in linear type ,easy in installation and maintation.
Regular size for reference:3.9*3.9*3.1[24m:[ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1mBahasa Indonesia[22m ]