Product Item:External Enhenced Counterpulsation machine
What's EECP treatment:
EECP is a non-invasive nonsurgical treatment for angina pectoris by increasing coronary blood flow in ischemic areas of the heart.EECP encourages blood vessels to open small channels around the narrowed or blocked arteries which eventually becomenatural
[1mItem Produk: Mesin Counterpulsation Eksternal yang Disempurnakan
Translations of [4mProduct Item:External Enhenced Counterpulsation machine What's EECP treatment: EECP is a non-invasive nonsurgical treatment for angina pectoris by increasing coronary blood flow in ischemic areas of the heart.EECP encourages blood vessels to open small channels around the narrowed or blocked arteries which eventually becomenatural[24m[ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1mBahasa Indonesia[22m ]
[4mProduct Item:External Enhenced Counterpulsation machine[24m [1mItem Produk: Mesin Counterpulsation Eksternal yang Disempurnakan[22m, [1mItem Produk: Mesin Counterpulsation Eksternal yang Ditingkatkan[22m[4m[24m [1m[22m[4mWhat's EECP treatment:[24m [1mApa itu pengobatan EECP:[22m, [1mApa perawatan EECP:[22m
[24m [1m[22m[4mEECP is a non-invasive nonsurgical treatment for angina pectoris by increasing coronary blood flow in ischemic areas of the heart.EECP encourages blood vessels to open small channels around the narrowed or blocked arteries which eventually becomenatural[24m
[1mEECP adalah pengobatan non-bedah non-invasif untuk angina pektoris dengan meningkatkan aliran darah koroner di daerah iskemik jantung. EECP mendorong pembuluh darah untuk membuka saluran kecil di sekitar arteri yang menyempit atau tersumbat yang akhirnya menjadi alami[22m, [1mEECP adalah pengobatan non-bedah non-invasif untuk angina pektoris dengan meningkatkan aliran darah koroner di area iskemik jantung.EECP mendorong pembuluh darah untuk membuka saluran kecil di sekitar arteri yang menyempit atau tersumbat yang akhirnya menjadi alami[22m|26|