S&A Teyu CW-6000 industrial water chiller can be used for cooling light led scanner.
CW-6000 water cooler has 3000W cooling capacity with ±0.5℃ stability, it has 2 temperature control modes as constant temperature and intelligent temperature control.
CW-6000 recirculating water chillers are produced by Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. For over 16 years in screening and training, we integrate lots of superior components suppliers. Our brands S
industrial water chiller
can be used for cooling light led scanner.
CW-6000 water cooler has 3000W cooling capacity with ±0.5℃ stability, it has 2 temperature control modes as constant temperature and intelligent temperature control.
CW-6000 recirculating water chillers are produced by Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. For over 16 years in screening and training, we integrate lots of superior components suppliers. Our brands S[24m
[ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1mBahasa Indonesia[22m ]
[4mindustrial water chiller[24m
[1mpendingin air industri[22m, [1mchiller air industri[22m
[4mcan be used for cooling light led scanner.[24m
[1mdapat digunakan untuk mendinginkan pemindai yang dipimpin cahaya.[22m, [1mdapat digunakan untuk pendingin lampu led scanner.[22m[4m
[4mCW-6000 water cooler has 3000W cooling capacity with ±0.5℃ stability, it has 2 temperature control modes as constant temperature and intelligent temperature control.[24m:
[1mPendingin air CW-6000 memiliki kapasitas pendinginan 3000W dengan stabilitas ±0,5℃, memiliki 2 mode kontrol suhu sebagai suhu konstan dan kontrol suhu cerdas.[22m, [1mPendingin air CW-6000 memiliki kapasitas pendinginan 3000W dengan stabilitas ±0,5℃, memiliki 2 mode kontrol suhu seperti suhu konstan dan kontrol suhu cerdas.[22m
[4mCW-6000 recirculating water chillers are produced by Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. For over 16 years in screening and training, we integrate lots of superior components suppliers.[24m
[1mPendingin air resirkulasi CW-6000 diproduksi oleh Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. Selama lebih dari 16 tahun dalam penyaringan dan pelatihan, kami mengintegrasikan banyak pemasok komponen unggulan.[22m, [1mPendingin air resirkulasi CW-6000 diproduksi oleh Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. Selama lebih dari 16 tahun dalam penyaringan dan pelatihan, kami mengintegrasikan banyak pemasok komponen yang unggul.[22m
[4mOur brands S[24m