ItuIcerdas Industri LpenampakanCkendaliSsistemsangat ideal untuk gudang, pabrik, pusat logistik, gedung perkantoran, pembangkit listrik, petrokimia, coking, tambang, gardu induk, bandara, pelabuhan, stasiun kereta api, dll. Melalui server, stasiun kerja di semua tingkatan, di tempatTaduh-Layar-Kontrolatau perangkat seluler (ponsel, tablet, dll.), intervensi sementara manual atau operasi otomatis atau mode tautan untuk mengontrol peralatan penerangan di area ini, juga untukPengumpulan dan pemantauan data.
1. System Introduce:
It has had a large number of engineering cases in the lighting fields of smart city infrastructure, intelligent industry lighting solution for factory & warehouse, building, power plant and stations. Since the establishment of the company, based on the talent-oriented principle, relying on the core R&D team that has been engaged in the field of lighting industrial control for 16 years, it has achieved rapid and stable development, total over one hundred series of products and hundreds of derivative products, which have fully covered the industrial lighting field.
We adheres to the concept of[1m1. Sistem Perkenalkan:
Ini memiliki sejumlah besar kasus teknik di bidang pencahayaan infrastruktur kota pintar,
solusi pencahayaan industri cerdasuntuk pabrik & gudang, gedung, pembangkit listrik dan stasiun. Sejak pendirian perusahaan, berdasarkan prinsip berorientasi bakat, mengandalkan tim R&D inti yang telah terlibat dalam bidang kontrol industri pencahayaan selama 16 tahun, telah mencapai perkembangan yang cepat dan stabil, total lebih dari seratus seri produk dan ratusan produk turunan, yang telah sepenuhnya mencakup bidang pencahayaan industri.Kami menganut konsep[22m
Translations of [4m1. System Introduce:
It has had a large number of engineering cases in the lighting fields of smart city infrastructure,
intelligent industry lighting solution
for factory & warehouse, building, power plant and stations. Since the establishment of the company, based on the talent-oriented principle, relying on the core R&D team that has been engaged in the field of lighting industrial control for 16 years, it has achieved rapid and stable development, total over one hundred series of products and hundreds of derivative products, which have fully covered the industrial lighting field.
We adheres to the concept of[24m
[ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1mBahasa Indonesia[22m ]
[4m1. System Introduce:[24m