Jaket pilot hi vis pria ini adalah jaket keselamatan yang sesuai dengan EN ISO20471 kelas 3 yang memberikan kedap air, tahan angin, kenyamanan dan visibilitas tinggi di antara kerumunan Intensif untuk tugas keselamatan.
Harga pabrik, layanan ODM/OEM dapat diterima, waktu pengiriman cepat.
Men's Yellow Construction Safety Hi Vis Pilot Jacket
Thism en's hi vis pilot jacket is made with 100% polyester oxford fabric with PU coating 8,000mm/m², 5,000g/m²/24h DWR which can be lower or higher.All the seams are taped with heat sealing technology to prevent the rain and wind going inside of the jacket , the 210T taffeta fabric on pockets.Yellow color and the silver reflective tape makes this jacket to be a highly popular choice for safety.
dibuat dengan 100% polyester oxford fabric dengan PU coating 8,000mm/m², 5,000g/m²/24h DWR yang bisa lebih rendah atau lebih tinggi. Semua jahitan direkatkan dengan teknologi heat sealing untuk mencegah hujan dan angin masuk ke dalam jaket , kain taffeta 210T di saku. Warna kuning dan pita reflektif perak membuat jaket ini menjadi pilihan yang sangat populer untuk keamanan.
Translations of [4mMen's Yellow Construction Safety Hi Vis Pilot Jacket
en's hi vis pilot
is made with 100% polyester oxford fabric with PU coating 8,000mm/m², 5,000g/m²/24h DWR which can be lower or higher.All the seams are taped with heat sealing technology to prevent the rain and wind going inside of the jacket , the 210T taffeta fabric on pockets.Yellow color and the silver reflective tape makes this jacket to be a highly popular choice for safety.
Feature: Waterproof, windproof and breathable by fully sealed taped design suitable for cold weather working
Breathability rating (grams): 5,000g/m²/24hours
Waterproof rating (mm): 8,000mm/m²
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[4mMen's Yellow Construction Safety Hi Vis Pilot Jacket[24m
[1mJaket Pilot Hi Vis Keselamatan Konstruksi Kuning Pria[22m, [1mJaket Pilot Hi Vis Safety Konstruksi Kuning Pria[22m
[4men's hi vis pilot[24m
[1men's hi vis pilot[22m, [1mselamat datang pilot[22m