Optical Transmission Network System OTN1000
With the rapid development of the Internet, the bandwidth pressure caused by the spurt growth of data traffic makes it imperative to introduce a 100G system into the transmission network. Therefore, Fiberwdm has introduced a new generation of high-capacity, long-distance 100G wavelength division transmission Equipment OTN1000 series products. The product uses advanced transmission technology and high integration technology to support single-channel transmission rate from 100Mbps to 100Gbps, and provides wide bandwidth, large capacity and fully transparent transmission for 200Gbps and 400Gbps expansion, enabling smooth upgrade of capacity. It provides a stable platform for multi-service operation and future network upgrade and expansion. It is widely used in operators, broadcasting, IDC, finance, government, cloud network, big data and other industries.
OTN1000A 1U RACK | OTN1000B 2U RACK | ![]() OTN1000C 5U RACK |
Supports 96×100G ultra-large capacity transmissions, that is, single fiber transmission capacity up to 9.6Tb/s, and support 80/96×10G/100G hybrid transmission, supporting smooth upgrade from 40 waves to 80 waves, 48 waves to 96 waves. It ensures low investment and smooth expansion in the early stage of network construction to meet the growing bandwidth demand in the future.
100G system adopts PDM-QPSK coding technology for coherent detection, supports SD-FEC, B2B OSNR tolerance index is excellent, adopts industry advanced DSP processing technology, dispersion tolerance is 22000 ps/nm, and supports 1200 km or more of non-electric relay transmission. Save investment and greatly facilitate operation and maintenance.
Supports 100M-100G any service access: CPRI1~10, eCPRI, FE/GE/10GE/25GE/40GE/100GE, FC 1G~32G, STM-N, OTU1/2/3/4, etc. Transparent transmission reduces the cross -transmission delay of the circuit.
Supports multiple network protection schemes such as optical layer 1+1 channel protection and optical line side 1+1 protection, providing multiple protection for important equipment units and optical fiber lines.
Support AC 220V, DC -48V power supply, 1+1 power protection.
It adopts 1U, 2U, 5U standard 19-inch rack design, completely configuration-free installation, device plug-and-play, and unified network management platform, providing complete network and equipment performance monitoring capabilities.
Product specification
Function | Note | ||
Product model | OTN1000A | OTN1000B | OTN1000C |
Equipment Size (H x W x D, mm) | 1U: (back-power supply) 44×442×280 | 2U: (front -power supply) 88×442×220 | 5U: (front -power supply) 220×442×220 |
Service slot | 4 slots | 8 slots | 16 slots |
Power consumption | 120W (Max) | 180W (Max) | 450W (Max) |
Max channel number | CWDM: 18 wavelength, DWDM: 96 wavelength(50GHz) | ||
Single channel max rate | 100Gbit/s | ||
Line side rate | 1.25Gbit/s, 2.5Gbit/s, 8Gbit/s, 10Gbit/s, 16Gbit/s, 25Gbit/s, 40Gbit/s, 100Gbit/s | ||
Support service | STM-1/4/16/64/256、OC-3/12/48/192/768 OTU-1/2/3/4 FE/GE/10GE/25GE/40GE/100GE FC 1G/2G/4G/8G/16G/32G EPON, GPON, CPRI 1/2/3/6/7/10, eCPRI | ||
Clock features | Support IEEE 1588V2 | ||
Network topology | Point to point, chain type, star type, ring type | ||
Network level protection | Optical channel 1+1 protection, optical multiplex 1+1 protection, optical line 1+1 protection | ||
Equipment level protection | Power supply backup | ||
Network management | SNMP, Web, CLI, Telnet | ||
Installation | 19and 23 | ||
[1mSistem Jaringan Transmisi Optik OTN1000 | Dengan pesatnya perkembangan Internet, tekanan bandwidth yang disebabkan oleh lonjakan pertumbuhan lalu lintas data membuat sistem 100G menjadi penting untuk diperkenalkan ke dalam jaringan transmisi. Karena itu, | ||
Fiberwdm | telah memperkenalkan generasi baru peralatan transmisi divisi panjang gelombang 100G jarak jauh berkapasitas tinggi, produk seri OTN1000. Produk ini menggunakan teknologi transmisi canggih dan teknologi integrasi tinggi untuk mendukung laju transmisi saluran tunggal dari 100Mbps hingga 100Gbps, dan menyediakan bandwidth lebar, kapasitas besar, dan transmisi transparan sepenuhnya untuk ekspansi 200Gbps dan 400Gbps, memungkinkan peningkatan kapasitas yang lancar. Ini menyediakan platform yang stabil untuk operasi multi-layanan dan peningkatan dan perluasan jaringan di masa depan. Ini banyak digunakan di operator, penyiaran, IDC, keuangan, pemerintah, jaringan cloud, data besar, dan industri lainnya. | ||
OTN1000A 1U RAC | OTN1000B 2U RAC | ||
OTN1000C 5U RAC | Fitur | ||
Transmisi berkapasitas besar | Mendukung transmisi berkapasitas ultra-besar 96×100G, yaitu, kapasitas transmisi serat tunggal hingga 9,6Tb/dtk, dan mendukung transmisi hibrida 80/96×10G/100G, mendukung peningkatan yang mulus dari 40 gelombang menjadi 80 gelombang, 48 gelombang menjadi 96 ombak. Ini memastikan investasi yang rendah dan ekspansi yang lancar pada tahap awal konstruksi jaringan untuk memenuhi permintaan bandwidth yang terus meningkat di masa depan. |
Performa transmisi 100G yang luar biasa
Sistem 100G mengadopsi teknologi pengkodean PDM-QPSK untuk deteksi koheren, mendukung SD-FEC, indeks toleransi B2B OSNR sangat baik, mengadopsi teknologi pemrosesan DSP canggih industri, toleransi dispersi adalah 22000 ps/nm, dan mendukung 1200 km atau lebih relai non-listrik penularan. Menghemat investasi dan sangat memudahkan pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan.
Kemampuan akses layanan yang fleksibel dan komprehensif
Mendukung 100M-100G akses layanan apa pun: CPRI1~10, eCPRI, FE/GE/10GE/25GE/40GE/100GE, FC 1G~32G, STM-N, OTU1/2/3/4, dll. Transmisi transparan mengurangi silang -penundaan transmisi sirkuit.
Perlindungan Telekomunikasi yang andal
Mendukung beberapa skema perlindungan jaringan seperti perlindungan saluran 1+1 lapisan optik dan perlindungan 1+1 sisi garis optik, memberikan perlindungan ganda untuk unit peralatan penting dan saluran serat optik.
Mendukung catu daya AC 220V, DC -48V, perlindungan daya 1+1.
Struktur luar biasa, nyaman dan mudah dirawat