Shoring Prop adalah sejenis penyangga pipa vertikal yang dapat disesuaikan untuk mendukung bekisting beton, banyak digunakan untuk bangunan, terowongan, konstruksi tambang.
European Type of Shoring Prop is a kind of cover thread vertical shoring scaffolding for construction. Made by OD48mm Inner Tube / OD56mm Outer Tube or OD41mm Inner Tube / OD48mm Outer Tube, with Prop Sleeve Cup, Prop G Pins, Prop Base Plate and Top Plate (Top U Head / Fork Head) use as vertical support for concrete formwork system of slab formwork, roof formwork, table formwork, wall formwork , beam formwork and construction scaffolding buildings.
Product Details:
Medium Duty Steel Prop / Shoring Prop / Post Shore (Cover thread), tu003d2.5mm
Code Size (Metric) Size (Imperial) Specification Weight(kg) Weight(lbs) MDPR.18.DC2.5 1100-1800mm 3'7--511" Outer pipe OD56x2.5mm, Inner pipe OD48x2.5mm, End plate120x120x5mm, Cover thread. Grade Q235 9.19 20.25 MDPR.29.DC2.5 1600-2900mm 53--9'6 [1mEuropean Type of Shoring Prop adalah sejenis perancah penopang vertikal benang penutup untuk konstruksi. Dibuat oleh OD48mm Inner Tube / OD56mm Outer Tube atau OD41mm Inner Tube / OD48mm Outer Tube, dengan Prop Sleeve Cup, Prop G Pins, Prop Base Plate dan Top Plate (Top U Head / Fork Head) digunakan sebagai penopang vertikal untuk sistem bekisting beton bekisting pelat, bekisting atap, bekisting meja, bekisting dinding, bekisting balok dan bangunan perancah konstruksi. Rincian Produk: Prop Baja Medium Duty / Shoring Prop / Post Shore (Ulir penutup), tu003d2,5mm Kode Ukuran (Metrik) Ukuran (Imperial) Spesifikasi Berat (kg) Berat (lbs) MDPR.18.DC2.5 1100-1800mm 3'7--511" Pipa luar OD56x2.5mm, Pipa bagian dalam OD48x2.5mm, Pelat ujung 120x120x5mm, Benang penutup. Kelas Q235 9.19 20.25 MDPR.29.DC2.5 1600-2900mm 53--9'6[22m Translations of [4mEuropean Type of Shoring Prop is a kind of cover thread vertical shoring scaffolding for construction. Made by OD48mm Inner Tube / OD56mm Outer Tube or OD41mm Inner Tube / OD48mm Outer Tube, with Prop Sleeve Cup, Prop G Pins, Prop Base Plate and Top Plate (Top U Head / Fork Head) use as vertical support for concrete formwork system of slab formwork, roof formwork, table formwork, wall formwork , beam formwork and construction scaffolding buildings. Product Details: Medium Duty Steel Prop / Shoring Prop / Post Shore (Cover thread), tu003d2.5mm Code Size (Metric) Size
Specification Weight(kg) Weight(lbs) MDPR.18.DC2.5 1100-1800mm 3'7--511" Outer pipe OD56x2.5mm, Inner pipe OD48x2.5mm, End plate120x120x5mm, Cover thread. Grade Q235 9.19 20.25 MDPR.29.DC2.5 1600-2900mm 53--9'6[24m [ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1mBahasa Indonesia[22m ] [4mEuropean Type of Shoring Prop is a kind of cover thread vertical shoring scaffolding for construction.[24m [1mEuropean Type of Shoring Prop adalah sejenis perancah penopang vertikal benang penutup untuk konstruksi.[22m, [1mEuropean Type of Shoring Prop adalah jenis scaffolding penopang vertikal benang penutup untuk konstruksi.[22m [4mMade by OD48mm Inner Tube / OD56mm Outer Tube or OD41mm Inner Tube / OD48mm Outer Tube, with Prop Sleeve Cup, Prop G Pins, Prop Base Plate and Top Plate (Top U Head / Fork Head) use as vertical support for concrete formwork system of[24m [1mDibuat oleh OD48mm Inner Tube / OD56mm Outer Tube atau OD41mm Inner Tube / OD48mm Outer Tube, dengan Prop Sleeve Cup, Prop G Pins, Prop Base Plate dan Top Plate (Top U Head / Fork Head) digunakan sebagai penopang vertikal untuk sistem bekisting beton[22m, [1mDibuat oleh OD48mm Inner Tube / OD56mm Outer Tube atau OD41mm Inner Tube / OD48mm Outer Tube, dengan Prop Sleeve Cup, Prop G Pin, Prop Base Plate dan Top Plate (Top U Head / Fork Head) digunakan sebagai penyangga vertikal untuk sistem bekisting beton[22m [4mslab formwork, roof formwork, table formwork, wall formwork , beam formwork and construction scaffolding buildings.[24m [1mbekisting pelat, bekisting atap, bekisting meja, bekisting dinding, bekisting balok dan bangunan perancah konstruksi.[22m, [1mbekisting slab, bekisting atap, bekisting meja, bekisting dinding, bekisting balok dan konstruksi bangunan perancah.[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mProduct Details:[24m [1mRincian Produk:[22m, [1mDetail Produk:[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mMedium Duty Steel Prop / Shoring Prop / Post Shore (Cover thread), tu003d2.5mm[24m [1mProp Baja Medium Duty / Shoring Prop / Post Shore (Ulir penutup), tu003d2,5mm[22m, [1mProp Baja Tugas Menengah / Prop Penopang / Post Shore (Ulir penutup), tu003d2,5mm[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mCode[24m [1mKode[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mSize (Metric)[24m [1mUkuran (Metrik)[22m, [1mukuran (metrik)[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mSize[24m
[1mUkuran[22m, [1mUkuran:[22m
[4m [24m [1m[22m [4m(Imperial)[24m [1m(Imperial)[22m, [1m(Kekaisaran)[22m, [1m(Imperium)[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mSpecification[24m [1mSpesifikasi[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mWeight(kg)[24m [1mBerat (kg)[22m, [1mBerat badan (kg)[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mWeight(lbs)[24m [1mBerat (lbs)[22m, [1mBerat badan (lbs)[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mMDPR.18.DC2.5[24m [1mMDPR.18.DC2.5[22m, [1mMDPR.18.DC2,5[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4m1100-1800mm[24m [1m1100-1800mm[22m, [1m1100-1800 mm[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4m3'7--511"[24m [1m3'7--511"[22m, [1m3'7 - 511"[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mOuter pipe OD56x2.5mm, Inner pipe OD48x2.5mm, End plate120x120x5mm, Cover thread.[24m [1mPipa luar OD56x2.5mm, Pipa bagian dalam OD48x2.5mm, Pelat ujung 120x120x5mm, Benang penutup.[22m, [1mPipa luar OD56x2.5mm, Pipa dalam OD48x2.5mm, Pelat ujung120x120x5mm, Benang penutup.[22m [4mGrade Q235[24m [1mKelas Q235[22m, [1mGrade Q235[22m [4m [24m
[4m9.19[24m [1m9.19[22m, [1m9,19[22m[4m [24m [1m[22m [4m20.25[24m [1m20.25[22m, [1m20,25[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4mMDPR.29.DC2.5[24m [1mMDPR.29.DC2.5[22m, [1mMDPR.29.DC2,5[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4m1600-2900mm[24m [1m1600-2900mm[22m, [1m1600-2900 mm[22m [4m [24m [1m[22m [4m53--9'6[24m [1m53--9'6[22m, [1m53--9'6'[22m |160| |161| |162| |163| |164| |165| |166| |167| |168| |169| |170| |171| |172| |173| |174| |175| |176| |177| |178| |179| |180|