Layar Sentuh 21.5'' Bentuk Persegi Panjang Led Kesombongan Cermin Kamar Mandi Cerdas

Sales Layar Sentuh 21.5'' Bentuk Persegi Panjang Led Kesombongan Cermin Kamar Mandi Cerdas

Pabrik Vercon Secara Langsung Memasok Cermin Cerdas Kamar Mandi dengan Sistem Operasi Android, Sakelar Sentuh Nirkabel, Cermin Kamar Mandi.

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Are you looking for a smart mirror or just a normal led bathroom mirror? A smart mirror should be with a system, carry with software, touch display screen...not just a mirror with led light that can adjust.

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IP65 waterproof design make you enjoy of Vercon bathroom led lights tv mirror display when in bathroom.

Listen to music and watch videos, feel the charm of the original sound.

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Interaction with the intelligent toothbrush, let the baby love to brush their tooth. Health management,  let you have a more comprehensive understanding of your physical and skin condition.

Check ties before going out, check traffic conditions on the HERE WE GO map app, and avoid traffic jams in Vercon smart bathroom mirror!

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What else can the magic mirror do?

Smart bathroom mirror with tv works with various apps

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Main Frequency
Quad Core Cortex A17 1.8GHZ
Touch Display Screen

pemutar video youtube
Apakah Anda mencari cermin pintar atau hanya cermin kamar mandi led biasa? Cermin pintar harus dengan sistem, dibawa dengan perangkat lunak, layar sentuh ... bukan hanya cermin dengan lampu led yang bisa menyesuaikan.
Desain tahan air IP65 membuat Anda menikmati tampilan cermin TV kamar mandi Vercon saat berada di kamar mandi.
Dengarkan musik dan tonton video, rasakan pesona suara aslinya.
Interaksi dengan sikat gigi cerdas, biarkan bayi suka menyikat gigi. Manajemen kesehatan,  memungkinkan Anda memiliki pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif tentang kondisi fisik dan kulit Anda.
Periksa hubungan sebelum keluar, periksa kondisi lalu lintas di aplikasi peta HERE WE GO, dan hindari kemacetan lalu lintas di cermin kamar mandi pintar Vercon!
Apa lagi yang bisa dilakukan cermin ajaib?
Cermin kamar mandi pintar dengan tv berfungsi dengan berbagai aplikasi
Frekuensi UtamaQuad Core Cortex A17 1.8GHZ
Layar Tampilan Sentuh

Translations of YouTube video player
Are you looking for a smart mirror or just a normal led bathroom mirror? A smart mirror should be with a system, carry with software, touch display screen...not just a mirror with led light that can adjust.
IP65 waterproof design make you enjoy of Vercon bathroom led lights tv mirror display when in bathroom.
Listen to music and watch videos, feel the charm of the original sound.
Interaction with the intelligent toothbrush, let the baby love to brush their tooth. Health management,  let you have a more comprehensive understanding of your physical and skin condition.
Check ties before going out, check traffic conditions on the HERE WE GO map app, and avoid traffic jams in Vercon smart bathroom mirror!
What else can the magic mirror do?
Smart bathroom mirror with tv works with various apps
Main Frequency
Quad Core Cortex A17 1.8GHZ
Touch Display Screen
[ English -> Bahasa Indonesia ]
YouTube video player
pemutar video youtube, Pemutar video YouTube

Are you looking for a smart mirror or just a normal led bathroom mirror?
Apakah Anda mencari cermin pintar atau hanya cermin kamar mandi led biasa?, Apakah Anda mencari cermin pintar atau hanya cermin kamar mandi yang dipimpin biasa?
CA smart mirror should be with a system, carry with software, touch display screen...not just a mirror with led light that can adjust.
Cermin pintar harus dengan sistem, dibawa dengan perangkat lunak, layar sentuh ... bukan hanya cermin dengan lampu led yang bisa menyesuaikan., Sebuah cermin pintar harus dengan sistem, dibawa dengan perangkat lunak, layar sentuh ... bukan hanya cermin dengan lampu led yang bisa menyesuaikan.

IP65 waterproof design make you enjoy of Vercon bathroom led lights tv mirror display when in bathroom.

Desain tahan air IP65 membuat Anda menikmati tampilan cermin TV kamar mandi Vercon saat berada di kamar mandi., Desain tahan air IP65 membuat Anda menikmati lampu led kamar mandi Vercon, tampilan cermin tv saat di kamar mandi.

Listen to music and watch videos, feel the charm of the original sound.

Dengarkan musik dan tonton video, rasakan pesona suara aslinya., Dengarkan musik dan tonton video, rasakan pesona suaranya yang asli.

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